Don't Be Annoying

As a BU student living in an urban setting, I have had my share of annoying persons stopping me on my walk to class in attempt to get me to donate to one cause or another.  Only once has it ever workedand I consider myself to be a philanthropist. When I think back as to why I've said no to those who've approached me about what seem to be worthy causes, this what I've come up with (which I think can be applied to the greater public):

1. I don't like to feel forced or pressured into anything.  As a potential donor (whether it be of my time or money), I need time to think it over.

2. Will this donation actually go towards the cause or will it just pay for more annoying street campaigners? In other words, is my donation helping to pay the salaries of the people that bother me so much? If so, do not expect me to sign up.

3. Bad timing.  Most times I'm in a rush to get to class or work and actually don't have time to listen to a pitch.  It could be my favorite non-profit asking for a donation, but I just honestly can't afford to be late.

4.  Obnoxious street campaigners.  I don't respond well to someone yelling, "WHY DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT THE EARTH?!!"  Nor do I appreciate it when binders, pamphlets, flyers, etc. get shoved in my face.  The few bad experiences that I've had have caused me to almost always pretend to be on the phone or sending a text when walking past.

In my next post I will make several suggestions for better campaigns that will improve— rather than destroyan organization's relations with the public.  For now, please just:

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